In the absence of a true gathering space, the Knights of Columbus provide a place for fellowship, allowing families to take a few minutes to nourish their bodies before or after Mass. Since the breakfasts run all morning on Sunday (not tied to a single Mass), you never know who you see there!
Tied to the origins of the Order, our annual honor to widow’s starts with the widow’s of Knights, but truly includes all widows of the Parish.
January 2019 - Stroker Family
The Strokers represent what it means to live a Catholic family life. Each in their own right are strong members of service to our ministries for youth and the homeless. Together, they are committed to each other, strong family values, our local community, and our Catholic Faith.
February 2019 - Malagón Family
The Malagons have been members of St. Anthony for five years. They are active members of the Cursillo movement. Mr. Malagon has been an active servant, and leader supporting all the activities of the parish. They are both catechists for youth. They have two small children, with another on the way.
As a special token of appreciation from the Supreme Council, the Malagon family was randomly selected to receive a Holy Family token in honor of their dedication to Family.
March 2019 - Oates Family
The family of Past Grand Knight Oates are the March Family of the Month. One characteristic mentioned repeatedly is the visible presence of the entire family, especially the three boys. The Oates Family are regulars in assisting at pancake breakfasts and the annual LAMB campaign to gather donations for children with intellectual disabilities in Moore County. The Family is also heavily engaged in the connection to homeschool families of the Parish.
April 2019 - Garcia-Abundis Family
This Christ-centered family is an example that all should strive to be like. Both are heavily involved in the Hispanic community in the St. Anthony Parish. Most importantly, they are the key nodes in bringing the English and Spanish-speaking communities TOGETHER. Mercedes regularly translates all correspondence for the Parish to/from English/Spanish. They are heavily involved in the Parish School, St. John Paul II, and connecting members of the School to and from the Parish. This is extremely difficult as the School and Parish offices are physically separated across town, and many have stuck to one or the other. Their actions show that a positive demonstration of Christ-centered family and community activities such as festivals, breakfasts, dinners and parades are a way to bring two languages, centered around one faith, together.
May 2019 - Lamblin Family
The Immediate Past Grand Knight and his wife lead an amazing Catholic family with three wonderful children. Last October, Mr. Lamblin, a retired military officer, and current Department of the Army Civilian was asked to lead an important effort in the Republic of Korea. His wife, a school teacher at St. John Paul II, and their children finished the school year with as much effort and faith in Christ and His works as they did as a complete family unit. They continued to attend multiple K of C events on top of existing and individual clubs, activities, and burdens. This June, they will be reunited as he returns home and the rest of the Family moves to Korea as whole Catholic family.
June 2019 - Childress Family
July 2019 - Deucher Family
August 2019 - Leck Family
September 2019 - Espinola Family
October 2019 - Hicks Family
November 2019 - Not Awarded
December 2019 - Kane Family